Friday, April 11, 2008

Alice in Wonderland

Hrm, well this wouldn't be much of an artist's blog without some art, eh?  Here's a few old pieces for Visual Development with a twist on the old tale of Alice in Wonderland.  We also had to base our art style off of another artist.  I decided to use the amazing video game artist Hyung Tae Kim.  I'd highly recommend searching out his stuff.  It's a real treat. 

Alice Carlson, a woman of age 73, collapses from a stroke and awakens to find herself in a strange land, her body now returned to the youthful state of 13.  She must find her way back home to the world she knows or be trapped forever in the realm between Earth, Heaven, and Hell.  Welcome to Wonderland. 

Alice in her younger form.

Mad Hatter as flamboyant as always. 

I always thought Tweedldee and Dum would be more 
interesting as one person... a sort of Ying Yang effect.

A much more humanistic version
of the Cheshire Cat.

And a few scenes from the story...

"We're all mad here.  I'm mad.   You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

"If you knew Time as well as I do," said the Hatter, "you wouldn't talk about wasting it.  It's him.  ...I dare say you've never even spoke to Time!"
"Perhaps not," Alice cautiously replied.
"We quarreled... and ever since that," the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, "he won't do a thing I ask!  It's always six o'clock... it's always tea time."

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